Friday, 18 December 2009

Hubalicious Part 1

Design Brief: To redesign a website for a local youth arts events promotion team.

The designs were done in Photoshop and would be converted to a website at a later date.

This is the initial design:

Which was then developed into this, the final design which can be seen at

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Yo Yo Hello Hello Productions

Design Brief: To produce a corporate identity and a 10 second video ident that promotes Yo Yo Hello Hello Productions.

I followed various Photoshop tutorials to discover new effects and styles, and this is what I came up with.

For the final logo and ident, I chose bright green and white for the logo, and green and red for the ident. I designed these myself - the logo in Photoshop and the ident in After Effects.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

The D-Coys

Design Brief: To design an identity for an up and coming rock band. Also to produce a website needed to promote the band and show videos and interactive content.

I chose to do it in black, white and dark blue. I designed the logo in Illustrator, and created silhouettes of the band as the main image in the logo.

The completed site (and logo) can be seen at

Friday, 18 September 2009

Personal Identity

Design Brief: To develop an idea for a logo and corporate identity for 'Jonjo McKay'.

This task was to explore designing in Photoshop and utilise a range of effects.

The first design here was based on the Photoshop CS2 logo - it worked well because it seemed light and airy, and it also worked nicely with two words. The second design was based on a tutorial, but it seemed too infornal for a corporate identity due to the roundedness and jelly-likeness. The final design was one designed completely by me and I used techniques learnt from the previous tutorials.